Friday, February 12, 2010

Rocking My Camera

I started a photography course last week called Rocking Your Camera.  I'ts all about learning to shoot in manual mode.  I am LOVING it!  I got my DSLR almost 5 years ago and have been wanting to take a class.  I finally am.  I have learned so much in the past week. 

Here are my 4 pictures I submitted today for my first assignment.  They are straight out of the camera (SOOC) with absolutely no editing.  We had to keep our shutter speed at or over 1/125 for all of these and could only use natural light.  Oh, and we also had to use a prime lens, which Sveinn was sweet enough to let me purchase so I could take this class! 

1. Outside -  ss 1/1000,   f/2.5,  ISO 100  It's a tad underexposed because my camera was using the snow to meter.  We are learning this week how to fix that.  Woo hoo!

2. Window Light - ss 1/400,  f/2.0,  ISO 100 
The light was coming in a window directly in front of her and I was between her and the window. It was bright and she had a hard time not squinting.  I should have moved her back a bit and adjusted my settings to get my exposure right.

3. Inside (low light) - ss 1/125,  f/2.2,  ISO 1250
This was in our entry and there was a little bit of light coming in through a south facing sidelight, but for the most part it was pretty dark.  May be a tad underexposed and also shows a bit of noise because of the high ISO I had to use.

4.Choice - ss 1/125, f/2.0,  ISO 800
This was taken mid afternoon and the light was coming in the window from the left.  I love this one!

I'm pretty happy with how I did considering I have never shot in manual before.  Thanks for looking.


  1. Not bad friend!!! I'm still shocked you've had a DSLR and haven't shot in manual before! Where is this class? I'd love to take something a little more.....super excited to see what your others look like. I'm behind on 365 from my trip but I'm working on catching up with the photos I took in Ethiopia. :)

  2. Hi Erica. The class is through the ClickinMoms forum. The link is in my sidebar. It's a GREAT place to learn and share. I love it. How was Ethiopia?
