I just submitted my lesson two assignment for my shooting in manual photography workshop. I had such a hard time this week. Lots of great information, but it took me a long time to figure it all out. We learned when to use spot metering, how to read our histograms, we tried to find our camera's metering sweet spot, worked with using custom white balance, and different focusing modes. My most favorite thing I learned though was how to use back button focusing (BBF). I LOVE it!! Wow, what a difference it makes. BBF is my new BFF! LOL Here are a few shots of Little Miss Coyote, our very spirited and quick moving 2 year old.
This one was taken in our bay window. The light coming in is REALLY bright. I am struggling with taking pictures here. I know it might not be the most ideal spot, but I want to master it because my children love to sit there.
Exposure: 0.008 sec (1/125)
Aperture: f/3.5
ISO Speed: 200
Spot Metering w/ Meter at 0.
CWB w/ grey card.
Focus was C-AF and BBF
This picture was taken in her bedroom. The walls are painted Pepto pink. The window is to the camera right. The shade was down (I should have opened it) and it was mid afternoon. I think it is underexposed. I didn't want to up my ISO because I thought they were looking a bit grainy.
Exposure: 0.008 sec (1/125)
Aperture: f/2.2
ISO Speed: 1000
Spot Metering w/ Meter at +1/3.
CWB w/ grey card.
Focus was C-AF and BBF
And finally, my favorite picture. This was taken in our family room. I love the light in this room. I was between her and the windows. I actually got a lot of really good pictures here, but this one was my favorite though.
Exposure: 0.003 sec (1/400)
Aperture: f/3.2
ISO Speed: 400
Evaluative Metering w/ Meter at +1/3.
CWB w/ grey card.
Focus was C-AF and BBF
Thanks for looking!