Sydney started sleeping though the night shortly after she was 1 month old. It's been a huge blessing. At times I have felt like she is spoiling me. She has consistently slept 8 to 10 hours at night for the past 2 months. Then about a week ago, right when she turned 4 months old, she started waking up at night. It's only gotten worse. Last night she didn't sleep more than 3 hours without waking up and at one point it was less then 2 hours between feedings. Ugh! So tonight we tried rice cereal for the first time. Mommy is really not ready for this. I don't want her to grow up this fast.

Sydney did amazingly well. She really liked it. She choked a couple of times, but I think that was only because she started talking just as I was putting the spoon into her mouth. She was trying to talk to me the whole time. It was so funny. She kept smacking, then talking, smacking, then talking. I think she is going to be a lot like her oldest sister. ;)
Now, lets hope she sleeps though the night.

I had to include this picture because it was just too funny! My silly girl!
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